How do you choose what book to read next?
Now this is something that I started thinking about after an outing through a bookshop with my boyfriend. Both being lovers of books, we spent a long time walking among the bookshelves, pointing out books that were good and not so good. I found myself not only drawing on books that I had already read, or had waiting on my to-read pile, that I wanted to recommend to be read, but I kept pointing out books that were 'big' at the moment. I realised that I had built up a large amount of knowledge on the upcoming newest, hottest reads purely through twitter and blogging and this was how I choose a lot of my new reads.
This got me thinking, how do you choose your books? There are so many books out there - where to start?
I know alot of you are bloggers and get sent books from publishers to read and review before releases, but how else do you decide what books you want to read? Is it something that you pick up on just by personal choice browsing the bookshelves, or do you pcik up recommendations from somewhere?
I think word of mouth, personal recommendations is still my favourite way to find a book. I'm currently reading 'The Shadow of the Wind' by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, which is fanastic so far, but I never would've picked it so easily without being recommended it as a 'must-read'.
Do you do the same thing? Or do you find another way to choose some new books?
Now this is something that I started thinking about after an outing through a bookshop with my boyfriend. Both being lovers of books, we spent a long time walking among the bookshelves, pointing out books that were good and not so good. I found myself not only drawing on books that I had already read, or had waiting on my to-read pile, that I wanted to recommend to be read, but I kept pointing out books that were 'big' at the moment. I realised that I had built up a large amount of knowledge on the upcoming newest, hottest reads purely through twitter and blogging and this was how I choose a lot of my new reads.
This got me thinking, how do you choose your books? There are so many books out there - where to start?
I know alot of you are bloggers and get sent books from publishers to read and review before releases, but how else do you decide what books you want to read? Is it something that you pick up on just by personal choice browsing the bookshelves, or do you pcik up recommendations from somewhere?
I find myself more and more, following all the publishing and blogger folk and pick up on what books they are talking about at the moment and investigate those further. The power of social media is that the more you see it being talked about, the more you (well I do anyway) want to see what all the fuss is about - when I walk into a bookshop next, it is these books I notice first.
But I also quite enjoy looking at the amazon bestsellers lists to see which books are topping the charts this week. Also I find that the Waterstones charts and books of the week are a great way to find new reads.
Do you do the same thing? Or do you find another way to choose some new books?