At work I have spent endless hours researching authors online to find their blogs and social media sites. Each one is different in its style and technical advances and the more I find them, the more it makes me want to have my own.
I’m not sure what kind of things I’ll write yet, or how long it will last, but I’ll give it a go! You never know when I’m a world famous author (haha!) this could be place where it all happens, top of the google list and someone else would be researching me for their author database!
I’ll keep dreaming! And until then I’m sure I can get used to seemingly writing to no-one, or somebody out there maybe.
But here goes anyway – this is officially the start of my blog!
*momentous moment* (evaluates the grammatical correctness of a momentous moment – it seems like a double negative or a contradictory statement? Maybe its just *that* much of a moment :D )